接着上一篇Unity资源逆向解析 ,这里再来谈一谈AssetBundles。
AssetBundles 使用 使用AssetBundles
AssetBundles 创建 Unity提供内置的BuildPipeline 管线和可编程的Scriptable Build Pipeline ,这里仅以内置的BuildPipeline
方式一:public static AssetBundleManifest BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);
方式二:public static AssetBundleManifest BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, AssetBundleBuild[] builds, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);
名称对这些资源进行打包的。 方式二是忽略AssetBundles
如果想实现自动化构建资源的话,偏向于使用方式二,可以完全通过脚本进行控制。 但是这里为了方便,采用方式一进行构建资源。 因此资源构建代码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.IO;public class CreateAssetBundles { [MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundles" ) ] static void BuildAllAssetBundles ( ) { string assetBundleDirectory = "./assetBundleDirectory" ; if (!Directory.Existes(assetBundleDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(assetBundleDirectory); BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(assetBundleDirectory,BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows); Debug.Log("build assetbundles done!" ); } }
,根据官方文档,可以对Assets目录下的文件、以及文件夹进行标记,如果标记的是文件夹,那么相当于标记了文件夹下所有子文件。当然文件的标记优先级高于文件夹的优先级。 这里我的目录结构如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 资源 AssetBundleName 资源依赖 [Assets] [texture] texture mogutexture.png planks.png stone 2.png 2_ZJZ_zhiwu09.fbx mogu mogucolor.prefab mogucolor [2_ZJZ_zhiwu09.fbx|mogumaterial.mat] mogumaterial.mat mogumaterial [MoguShader.shader|mogutexture.png] MoguShader.shader mogushader ShaderVar.shadervariants mogushader
一切准备就绪后,在Assets菜单下点击Build AssetBundles
开始构建资源。 在assetBundleDirectory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [assetBundleDirectory] assetBundleDirectory assetBundleDirectory.manifest texture texture.manifest mogu mogu.manifest mogucolor mogucolor.manifest mogumaterial mogumaterial.manifest mogushader mogushader.manifest
这个资源文件记录了其他所有资源的manifest文件信息。 上面打包出来的资源文件可以使用Unity资源逆向解析 中提到的解包工具打开。
AssetBundles 加载 本文加载的基本思路是读取assetBundleDirectory
资源文件中的信息,然后去构建一个资源目录表,然后在使用资源时,首先访问资源目录表,看看该资源是否已经加载,如果没有加载的话就对该资源进行加载,加载时也会判断资源依赖,待所有依赖资源以及该资源都加载成功后,触发资源加载成功回调函数。 代码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.Events;using UnityEngine.Networking;using System;pulic class ResurceData { public enum LoadState { Null, Waiting, Loading, Loaded, } public bool isReadly = false ; public string assetBundleName = string .Empty; public int serialId = 0 ; public List <string > dependanceName = new List<string >(); public List <string > parentName = new List<string >(); public AssetBundle assetBundle = null ; public LoadState loadState = LoadState.Null; public referenceCount = 0 ; public bool hasRequest {get {return loadState != LoadState.Null;}} public bool hasError {get { return loadState == LoadState.Loaded && assetBundle == null ;}} } [Serializable ] public class OnFinishLoadAssetBundle : UnityEvent <int , bool >{}[Serializable ] public class OnFinishLoadManifest : UnityEvent <bool >{};public class LoadAndUnloadRemoteAssets : Singleton <LoadAndUnloadRemoteAssets >{ private in m_MaxId = 0 ; private string m_Uri; private bool m_Inited = false ; public bool inited => m_Inited; private UnityWebRequest m_MainfestRequest = null ; AssetBundleManifest m_AssetBundleManifest = null ; AssetBundle m_ManifestAssetBundle = null ; Queue<int > m_WaitToCheck = new Queue<int >(); Dictionary<int , ResourceData> allResource = new Dictionary<int , ResourceData>(); Queue<int > m_WaitToLoad = new Queue<int >(); Dictionary<int , UnityWebRequest> m_UnityWebRequests = new Dictionary<int , UnityWebRequest>(); Dictionary<string , int > m_NameToId = new Dictionary<string , int >(); private List <int > m_TORemoveRequest = new List<int >(); public OnFinishLoadMainfest OnFinishLoadMainfest = new OnFinishLoadMainfest(); public OnFinishLoadManifest OnFinishLoadManifest = new OnFinishLoadManifest(); public void Init (string url ) { if (m_ManifestRequest != null ) return ; m_Inited = false ; m_Uri = url; int index = url.LastIndexOf('/' ); string manifestName = url.Substring(index + 1 ); url = Path.Combine(url, manifestName); m_ManifestRequest = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url, 0 ); m_ManifestRequest.SendWebRequest(); } private int GetMaxId ( ) { return ++m_MaxId; } public AssetBundle GetAssetBundle (int id ) { if (allResource.TrayGetValue(id, out var resourceData)) return resourceData.assetBundle; return null ; } public void UnloadAllAssets ( ) { foreach (var resource in allResource) { var resourceData = resource.Value; if (resourceData.assetBundle) { resourceData.assetBundle.Unload(true ); } resourceData.assetBundle = null ; resourceData.loadState = ResourceData.LoadState.Null; resourceData.isReady = false ; resourceData.referencCount = 0 ; resourceData.parentName.Clear(); } } public bool UnloadAsset (int id ) { } public int LoadAsset (string assetbundleName ) { if (!m_NameToId.TryGetValue(assetbundleName, out in id)) return -1 ; return LoadAssetInternal(assetbundleName, null ); } private int LoadAssetInternal (string assetbundleName, string parent ) { m_NameToId.TryGetValue(assetbundleName, out var id); allResource.TryGetValue(id, out var resourceData); if (!resourceData.hasRequest) { foreach (var dep in resourceData.dependanceName) LoadAssetInternal(dep, assetbundleName); m_WaitToLoad.Enqueue(id); resourceData.loadState = ResourceData.LoadState.Waiting; } if (parent == null ) ++resourceData.referenceCount; else resourceData.parentName.Add(parent); return id; } private void Update ( ) { if (!m_Inited) { if (m_ManifestRequest != null && m_ManifestRequest.isDone) { OnManifestDownloaded(m_ManifestRequest); m_ManifestRequest.Dispose(); m_ManifestRequest = null ; } } else { foreach (var request in m_UnityWebRequests) { if (request.Value.isDone) { if (string .IsNullOrEmpty(request.Value.error)) { var resource = allResource[request.Key]; resour.loadState = ResourceData.LoadState.Loaded; resource.assetBundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(request.Value); var isReady = true ; foreach (var dep in resource.dependanceName) { if (!allResource[m_NameToId[dep]].isReady) { isReady = false ; } } if (isReady) { int curId = request.Key; m_WaitToCheck.Enqueue(curId); while (m_WaitToCheck.Count > 0 ) { curId = m_WaitToCheck.Dequeue(); resource = allResource[curId]; if (resource.assetBundel == null ) continue ; isReady = true ; foreach (var dep in resource.dependanceName) { if (!allResource[m_NameToId[dep]].isReady) { isReady = false ; } } if (isReady) { resource.isReady = true ; OnFinishLoadAssetBundle.Invoke(curId, true ); foreach (var parent in resource.parentName) { m_WaitToCheck.Enqueue(m_NameToId[parent]); } } } } } else { allResource[request.Key].loadState = ResourceData.LoadState.Loaded; OnFinishLoadAssetBundle.Invoke(request.Key, false ); Debug.LogError($"fail to load {allResource[request.Key].assetBundleName} . Because:{request.Value.error} " ); } m_ToRemoveRequest.Add(request.Key); } } foreach (var id in m_ToRemoveRequest) m_UnityWebRequests.Remove(id); m_ToRemoveRequest.Clear(); while (m_UnityWebRequests.Count < 4 ) { if (m_WaitToLoad.Count > 0 ) { var id = m_WaitToLoad.Dequeue(); allResource[id].loadState = ResourceData.LoadState.Loading; var url = Path.Combine(m_Uri, allResource[id].assetBundleName); var request = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url, 0 ); request.SendWebRequest(); m_UnityWebRequest.Add(id, requeset); } else { break ; } } } } private void OnManifestDownloaded (UnityWebRequest manifestRequest ) { AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(manifestRequest); var assetBundleManifest = bundle.LoadAsset<AssetBundleManifest>("AssetBundleManifest" ); m_ManifestAssetBundle = bundle; if (AssetBundleManifest != null ) { m_Inited = true ; m_AssetBundleManifest = assetBundleManifest; var allAssetBundles = assetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundles(); foreach (var assbundle in allAssetBundles) { var dirctD = assetBundleManifest.GetDirectDependencies(assbundle); ResourceData resourceData = new ResourceData(); resourceData.assetBundleName = assbundle; resourceData.dependanceName.AddRange(dirctD); resourceData.serialId = GetMaxId(); allResource.Add(resourceData.serialId, resourceData); m_NameToId.Add(assbundle, resourceData.serialId); } OnFinishLoadManifest.Invoke(true ); Debug.Log("successfully load AssetBundleManifest" ); } else { OnFinishLoadManifest.Invoke(false ); Debug.LogError("fail to load AssetBundleManifest" ); } } }
AssetBundles 内存分析 这里以实例化mogucolor.prefab
。执行实例化加载流程,然后每一步点击Task Sample Editor
Not Saved
Builtin Resources
Scene Momory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 第一步:调用Init函数初始化`AssetBundleManifest` Other +1 [] NotSaved +2 [AssetBundle+1, AssetBundleManifest+1] Assets +0 [] Builtin Resources +0 [] SceenMemory +0 [] 第二步:LoadAsset异步加载`mogucolor` Other +5 [] NotSaved +5 [AssetBundle+5] Assets +0 [] Builtin Resources +0 [] SceenMemory +0 [] 第三步:然后调用`AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("mogucolor)` Other +0 [] NotSaved +0 [] Assets +8 [Shader+1, Texture+1, Mesh+1, Material+1, MeshRenderer+1, GameObject+1, MeshFilter+1] Builtin Resources +0 [] SceenMemory +0 [] 第四步:最后使用`GameObject.Inistatiate()` Other +1 [] NotSaved +2 [RenderTexture+2, Material+1] Assets +0 [] Builtin Resources +1 [Shader+1] SceenMemory +4 [Transform+1, GameObject+1, MeshRenderer+1, MeshFilter+1]
可以发现,第一和第二步,主要是增加了NotSaved里面的AssetBundle。第三步增加的是Assets里面的资源数据。第四步增加的是场景里面的数据,至于NotSaved和Builtin Resources数据也被动增加,主要是因为新入场景的物体可能会导致渲染流程发生改变,所以内置的一些材质或者RenderTexture会有所增加。 至于Builtin Resources里面的数据,从分析上来看主要是GUI相关的的一些内置数据,以及异常Shader等。
AssetBundles 与 Shader Shader也是一种资源,和模型、贴图资源一样,可以打包进AssetBundle。但是Shader又是一种程序,只不过是运行在GPU上的,因此为了节约性能,需要对Shader进行裁剪,将不需要的变体剔除掉。而我们自己使用AssetBundles对Shader进行打包时,也会进行剔除。以下是官方文档中的原文 ,介绍了如何根据需要将需要的变体打包。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Interactions between Shaders and AssetBundles When you build an AssetBundle, Unity uses information in that bundle to select which shader variants to compile. This includes information about the scenes , materials, Graphics Settings, and ShaderVariantCollections in the AssetBundle. Separate build pipelines compile their own shaders independently of other pipelines. If both a Player build and an Addressables build reference a shader, Unity compiles two separate copies of the shader, one for each pipeline. This process doesn’t account for any runtime information such as keywords, textures, or changes due to code execution. If you want to include specific shaders in your build, either include a ShaderVariantCollection with the desired shaders, or include the shader in your build manually by adding it to the Always Included Shaders list in your graphics settings.
使用Graphics Settings,(暂时不知道怎么使用)。
Shader变体分析 既然谈到Shader变体,这里就再多说几句,在Unity中Shader变体主要是受Shader关键字控制,当然根据官网描述,一个shader里面拥有多个Pass,也是形成变体的因素。
关于关键字的上限,以及因为这个上限导致的问题在这里 有很多讨论,其中网友发现问题最多的是使用HDRP时,很容易超出限制,以及使用AssetStore里面的资源也会很容易超出限制。所以网友希望能够直接提高上限,或者给个上限可选项,但是Unity客服表示不太愿意这样做。这个问题提出了好几年了,关键字分为了local和global两种也是基于这个问题给出的一个解决方案。
另外这里 以及这里 详细的介绍了变体相关的东西,包括变体数量的计算,以及如何控制变体的数量。而且Unity还提供scriptable shader variants stripping
自定义变体剔除的方法,只要是实现IPreprocessShaders ,这个回调接口在打包项目和打包Assetbundle资源时都会调用。